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The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is modifying the way investments are evaluated. We programmed an artificial intelligence (A.I.) to summarize the whole internet. Whether you’re trying to make money investing online, making financial decisions or just getting informed about Wall Street, this page is a way to get informed without reading hundred of pages. Our stock market summary graphs are produced using machine learning, an unbiased view to capture what internet is saying. Usually, the AI reads several hundred pages and summarize it to a short text and several charts.

General Description

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

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Ticker: DNA

Sector: Biotechnology

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. develops platform for cell programming. Its platform is used to program cells to enable biological production of products. The company serves various end markets, including specialty chemicals, agriculture, food, consumer products.
Extended Summary

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, develops platform for cell programming. Its platform is used to program cells to enable biological production of products, such as novel therapeutics, food ingredients, and chemicals derived from petroleum. The company serves various end markets, including specialty chemicals, agriculture, food, consumer products, and pharmaceuticals. Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

Related Results

January 07, 2024 15:24 (London Time)

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (DNA) Stock Price, Quote & News - Stock Analysis. Ginko Bioworkorks Holdings Inc currently has the 116th highest Shor…
Sector: Biotechnology
Ticker: DNA
Sentiment: 0.34
MarketCap: 3,241,207,930.0
High: 1.59 Low: 1.49

Open: 1.53 Close: 1.53 Change: 0.0

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July 16, 2023 9:16 (London Time)

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

Goldman Sachs analyst Matthew Sykes maintains Ginko Bioworkorks Holdings with a Sell rating. Q2 earnings are confirmed for Monday, August 14, 20 23.
Sector: Biotechnology
Ticker: DNA
Sentiment: 0.5267
MarketCap: 4,254,418,884.0
High: 2.24 Low: 2.02

Open: 2.18 Close: 2.04 Change: -0.14

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August 16, 2023 17:16 (London Time)

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

Goldman Sachs analyst Matthew Sykes downgrades Ginko Bioworkorks Holdings to Sell. Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. reported quarterly losses of $0.09…
Sector: Biotechnology
Ticker: DNA
Sentiment: -0.0183
MarketCap: 3,714,969,777.0
High: 1.79 Low: 1.63

Open: 1.77 Close: 1.67 Change: -0.1

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April 23, 2023 23:51 (London Time)

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DNA) is one of the top CRISPR stocks to invest in. DNA ranks higher than 11% of stocks in the Biotechnology ind…
Sector: Biotechnology
Ticker: DNA
Sentiment: 0.5423
MarketCap: 2,715,079,680
High: 1.33 Low: 1.27

Open: 1.27 Close: 1.31 Change: 0.04

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