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Armstrong World Industries ( NYSE:AWI – Get Free Report ) last released its quarterly earnings data on Tuesday, April 25th. The company had a net margin of 16.32% and a return on equity of 41.94%. Armstrong World Industriess revenue for the quarter was up 9.8%. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. had a return on equity of 41.94% and a net margin of 16.32% Armstrong World Industriess quarterly revenue was up 9.8% on a year-over-year basis. The business also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which was paid on May 18th. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. has a job opportunity for a EH&S Manager to be located at our plant in Newark, Ohio. Individual pay is based upon location, skills and expertise, experience and other relevant factors. Armstrong World is a leader in the design and manufacture of innovative commercial and residential ceiling, wall and suspension system solutions. Armstrong World Industries (U.S. is a leader in the design and manufacture of innovative commercial and residential ceiling, wall and suspension system solutions in the Americas. Armstrong is proud to offer a starting rate of pay of $22.65per hour, with additional upside potential including shift differential, annual bonus and career advancement via our pay for skill system. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. as Company Reports Strong Quarterly Earnings and Demonstrates Market Strength. Company reports strong quarterly earnings results and demonstrates strong financial standing amidst a volatile market environment. Highest paying job at Armstrong World is CEO at $251,000 annually while the lowest paying job is a SAP BW Consultant.
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